Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, deals with dishonor of cheques due to insufficient funds or when a cheque is returned unpaid. It is a criminal offense for an individual or company to issue a cheque that is dishonored for lack of funds or if it exceeds the amount available in the account.

Choose Me?

With a deep understanding of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, I provide expert legal assistance to individuals facing cases of cheque dishonor, ensuring timely and effective resolution.

Expert Guidance in Cheque Dishonor Cases

I offer comprehensive legal advice and representation for individuals involved in cheque dishonor cases, helping you navigate the legal complexities of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.

Strategic Defense and Prosecution

Whether you are the complainant or the accused, I develop a tailored defense or prosecution strategy based on a detailed analysis of the facts and legal provisions under Section 138.

Swift Legal Action

Section 138 cases require quick legal action. I ensure prompt filing of legal notices, response to legal proceedings, and representation in court to safeguard your rights.

Comprehensive Case Management

From sending demand notices to representing you in court hearings, I manage every aspect of your Section 138 case to ensure a fair and just outcome.